Wednesday, April 28, 2010


During my daily visits to see Dad he seems to obsess about certain things that come to his mind and whatever it is, it seems to stay with him. For a long time his question was "Where are we again?" or "But, I'm in Courtyard right?" Over and over he asks these questions to me and everyone else. He still does ask that but not as often as when he first started. So the most recent obsession is shooting. I don't know where it came from but for some reason he has this silly idea that someone is going to shoot him. It's very odd because we never spoke about that but in any case I think it mostly has to do with his fear and anxiety probably from the Dementia. Another recent obsession is that his roommate Henry is going to hurt him and every time Henry speaks he says "It's that son of a B**** that makes me scared. Just the sound of his voice makes me nervous." Mind you, Henry stays very content and keeps to himself for the most part. He will speak to you but doesn't bother much. So back to the shooting - it's pretty funny and now I joke with him about it because he keeps bringing it up. He'll say "So when are they gonna start shooting?" My response before was "Come on Dad, don't worry no one is going to shoot here." But now when he asks, I tell him very seriously that he is in luck because they started shooting at A and now they are at H but then went home for the day. So, since his last name starts with a P he has a while til they get here. Or I will kid with him and say, oh I heard the latest update was that they changed the policy and now they are giving out new "do-it-yourself" ropes! He laughs pretty hard when I respond like that. Another comment he's been repeating is telling me to bring 5 pies tomorrow when I tell him we ran out of the chocolate pie. Tonight when I got there Dad had received a nice gift from Teri that is a photo in a picture frame and a story behind it which I read to him and he was so happy! It was very sweet of Teri and Dad loves that kind of stuff!